Debuting Pastor Brian Daily as we study Luke chapter 8.

Sentimental Sat. takes a look forward by looking back to 9-2020 in Luke 23 & 24

Luke 6-7 so many nuggets in such a short time during today's study

Luke 6:20-26 the beatitudes is our focus in today's study

Luke 5-6 is our focus in today's study

A contrast between Baptism and Temptation is our focus this day in Luke 3-4.

#Jesustime begins the study of Luke

Pastor Debuhr wraps up Mark on #jesustime

Pastor Debuhr guides us through Mark 13-15 #jesustime

#thaddebuhr takes us on a journey into Mark 12-13 #jesustime

Nuggets abound as we study Mark 11 with #ThadDebuhr

We kick off the week of love in Mark ch 11 with Pastor Thad Debuhr

Live multi-streaming of Real Life Church in Pullman Wa, USA

Senitemental Saturday goes back to 2-12-21 with Thad.

Pastor Dave studies in Mark chapters 9-10

Pastor Dave studies in Mark chapters 7-8

Pastor Dave looks at healings found in Mark chapters 6-7

Pastor Dave explores the miracles found in Mark chapters 5-6

Debuting Pastor Dave Dartnall studying the Book of Mark ch 4

Contributing Pastor Dave Dartnall Lighthouse church services, Tri-Cities, WA

This Sentimental Saturday replay could get chilling.

He has risen, Hallelujah! Join Pastor Toby as we study the last chapter of Matthew

Studying Matthew-27 with Pastor Toby Arnold.

We jump back to explore the tail of two men in Matthew-26

Pastor Toby leads us into Mark chapters 1-3
