As founder of Jesus Time Daily, Thad has posted over 350 daily devotionals, events and happenings around the area. This is a shortlist of the most recent streams by Thad.

Sentimental Saturday looks back to our study of Joel 1:1-13

Looking at post-Resurrection we finish the Book of Luke.

Forgiveness, grace and mercy from high upon the Cross. Luke 23:26-43.

Finding strength in Jesus. Luke 22:7-30.

Staying sharp during difficult times. Luke 21:29-38.

Blessing argumentative people with a Christ like heart. Luke 20.

Our Savior enters Jerusalem? Pastor Thad studies Luke 19:28-41

How we as followers deal with money? Pastor Thad studies Luke 18:18-30

Worried about the second coming? Pastor Thad studies Luke 17:20-37

Sentimental Sat. takes a look forward by looking back to 9-2020 in Luke 23 & 24

A special Sentimental Saturday to top off the week.

Pastor Debuhr wraps up Mark on #jesustime

Pastor Debuhr guides us through Mark 13-15 #jesustime

#thaddebuhr takes us on a journey into Mark 12-13 #jesustime

Nuggets abound as we study Mark 11 with #ThadDebuhr

We kick off the week of love in Mark ch 11 with Pastor Thad Debuhr

Senitemental Saturday goes back to 2-12-21 with Thad.

This Sentimental Saturday replay could get chilling.

Pastor Thad looks at several parables in Matt 13

Daily Devotional studying Matthew 12 with Pastor Thad

Pastor Thad wraps up Matthew chapters 1-4

Repaired stream of 12-16 Daily Devo

Pastor Thad leads us in studying Matthew ch 3

Pastor Thad leads us in studying Matthew ch 1

Jesus Time Daily Re-Launch Monday